I have just found The Honey Line. To be fair, I have known about it since I saw it talked about on the Rachel Ray Show last year, but I didn't know they had a website until recently and due to a problem w/ my computer (isn't it always something?) I couldn't actually register as a user until today. So as of today I am an official Bee.
What is the Honey Line, you ask? Well it was begun as a project of pro-vollyball player Gabby Reece. You know, she of the mile high legs and yards of hair. She is one of the few strikingly beautiful women who manages to seem like your best friend and mentor all at once. She told Rachel about how she had this network of girl-friends who helped her stay connected and she called on certain friends to help with certain problems and her friends called on her to help w/ their own. They all encouraged each other and everyone just tried to be generally supportive. She called this her Honey Line. What a great idea, I thought.
I have a group of friends (there is about 8 of us) that have been friends for varying amounts of forever. We have been with each other through college, and first boyfriends, and weddings and husbands, and first jobs, first housess, and first babies (and second), and have been there for each other during family deaths and other difficulties. We are better than sisters because we chose each other. We used to get together every week for supper and TV viewing. Now that we're all married and starting families it is more like once a month, but we all try to stay connected through phone, email, and social netwroking sites. Now Gabby has prvided a place just for this purpose. Only expanded.
And best of all, Gabby - as the Queen Bee - provides help to the rest of us in her area of expertise. Health and Fitness. Yay, Gabby! And she provides a space for the rest of us to provide help in our own areas of knowledge.
In the end everyone is connected. Kind of like a . . .hmm . . . hive? You betcha!
My favorite parts of the site so far is the buzz - a place where all the bees interact and can get questions and answers and leave comments for other bees, and the recipe section. They have some great recipes for healthy versions of my favorite food and some interesting sounding new ones that I will definately be trying in the weeks ahead. There is an excellent fitness section, but I haven't quite braved that yet. I have a feeling that Gabby is definately more ambitious than I am. But we will see.
All in all The Honey Line is a great site to check out. At most, you join and find a whole bunch of new connections to bees all over the country. And at worst you come away with a few valuable recipes and/or fitness tips. Give it a BUZZ!
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